The holidays are a festive time at GCC and we would love to see you at one of our Holiday Services.​
christmas eve
3:00 p.m. Children’s Service '
This service is simple and child friendly, The service will begin with the celebration of the lighting of the four candles of the Advent wreath, as well as plenty of carols and a special message for children. Ending with candlelighting and the singing of Silent Night. Following the service, we will proceed into the Fellowship Room for birthday cake and other festivities, befitting a birthday party.
5:00 p.m. Family Service
This is the quietest of our three services on Christmas Eve. It will include plenty of carols, the stories of the first Christmas, a Christmas meditation, Lighting of the Advent Wreath and Christ Cancel, Candlelighting, and the singing of Silent Night.
10:00 p.m. Service of Lessons and Carols
During this service we are pulling all of the stops out. Our Chancel Choir and Bel Campana are ready to sing and ring the message of Christmas. Through scripture lessons, beginning with the prophets, we hear the story of God’s continuous love of God’s people. Through carols sung through the centuries, our memories are rekindled of Christmases past and our hopes for the future. Through joyous music from our choirs we lift our spirits high. And at the end, we create a moment of peace as we pass light from one to another, perhaps creating a vision of how the world could be.